Monday, February 12, 2007

Steam Dreams

That was a great meeting the other night. This is gonna be a badass burn.
I would like to hear more from Matt and Eran - how do you guys imagine spending your prep time and energy when prepping for the burn?

Jon talked about having a thin material covering the dirigible with lights inside. This is the method that made this seahorse chariot one of the prettiest things on the playa. You can see it works tremendously well.

I've really got no experience on engines and whatnot - but, Jon, I want to encourage you to find someone who can let you know how much weight different engines can handle. Perhaps an art car forum on tribe will have the answers. All of the art cars I remember on the playa were built off buses, tractors and cars. The car ones seemed to struggle when they got to six people.

Maybe we could think about a two-person perambulator and a posse of steam-punked bikes. When we travel around town together, we'll be memorable which will make people want to visit our camp full of Wonders .

One wonder could be a collaborative Cyclorama (360 degree panoramic paintings - popular at 19th century world's fairs). LG and I tossed around a similar idea before our first burn.

This last picture is a doodle on a slightly-greened steam punk look.


Douglas said...

Hi guys, this look great so far. Im sorry that my contriutions will be limited from overseas, but i can offer to provide any technical assistance (re: engines, motors, misters etc...) I cant say that I have much talent in making things look beautiful, but I can surely help with the tech stuff. I am happy to call the states from here. Just send me a msg. Cheers! and keep up the good work!

Mr. Alchemystic said...
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Mr. Alchemystic said...

sweet, now i know how to blog, AND how to comment. well, sort of. i made a typo, so i had to delete the whole thing and repost. i wonder what that preview button is for?

i love light, i love these seahorse things. maybe i'm just one of those excited virgins, as you call them. i can build shit, i can make shit, i can conceive of shit, i can talk shit, i can take a shit.

i could use more brainstorming (riffing?) to know specifically where and how i am focusing my energies. but i have energies to focus, oh yes, my friend, have no doubt. the non-sequitor psuedo-scientist not only has an affinity for hyphenated self-naming, but honest-to-goodness creative resourcativity.
