Monday, May 21, 2007

Peram Moves Ahead

So our Secrets and Means Department (S & M) has asked that I protect our members' identities as well as the location of the workshop. Apparently they've been getting some alarming information at the head office and want to keep the advancing work on the down-low. I will try to enact the new security measures to the letter.

Above we see a man removing pricing info from the bottom of all the cans. We'll call him Mr. Price for simplicity. Mr. Price spearheaded the can bottom/scales project. The idea is to cover certain parts of the peram. with soda cans, much like the back of a fish. We'll call Mr. Price's cohort Mrs. Fishback. (Silly I know.)First all the cans were cleaned. Then a jig was set up to slice off the bottoms. A hundred or so cans were put through the process leaving a bag of shiny scales. We might even use the rest of the can scraps to cover other parts. Mrs. Fishback's male friend flew from project to project. We'll call him Mr. Soares. Below you can see him helping with the can project. Good job agents! - Mr. Rhymes with benches.

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