Monday, April 23, 2007

WOW! What a great day!

We had quite a productive day over at the Perambulator workshop yesterday. It was pretty impromptu but we eventually rounded up 5 of the group to get things started. In the morning AP and I took all of the unnecessary parts off of the cart. Then we removed the rear shocks/springs and replaced them with steel tubing. This will prevent the cart sag with all the extra weight. When The Baroness, The Amazing Leslie and Baron of All showed up we took the cart out for a stress test. We even piled on two teenagers. We were all impressed that the cart didn't seem to mind all the weight.
Next we got to work on the steel frame. Using the model for reference B of All and B of Less set to work cutting the steel to length. AP worked on cutting the table top in half for the end details. The Great Leslie worked on the overall shape of the exterior and did a lot of grinding. I worked on welding. Everyone contributed ideas for structural and detail elements. Things took shape quickly. We had a large portion of the frame done when The Baron and Ness left for the day. (Thanks for lunch!) The rest of us soldiered on. Leslie worked on the boiler for the vehicle. (An old air compressor tank.) While AP worked on hardwood flooring for the cab and passenger area. We finally punched out around six. We were exhausted.
But the end result is pretty impressive. We've got a lot more work to go but if this first day is any indication I'm sure we'll reach our objective before the big week. I'll send out a more formal email next time we have another work party. Go team!

1 comment:

Xander said...

I still look at that thing and can't believe we actually did that much. I mean, really, what's going to be left to do in the months to come if we keep at it so quickly?