Monday, June 4, 2007

Gauges, Gears, Iron Airships! Oh my!

The Amazing Leslie and I found a little Australian movie on Brassgoggles. It's called The Mysterious Geographical Explorations of Jasper Morello. (It can be Netflixed here.) Done mostly in silhouettes. It is amazing. With so many airships that I was still drooling over the previous one when a new one would appear. Steampunktastic! Along with gauges and dirigibles, I find myself now infatuated with wrought-iron railings and other iron work. Here is the first 9:37. UPDATE-I now have my own complete copy I can lend.

Along these lines it occurs to me that we're going to need a lot more gauges and valves. Let's keep our eyes open for cheap stuff (or free) especially at garage sales and fleas markets.

1 comment:

Xander said...

The Professor graciously provided a free showing yesterday to which I received a coveted invitation. This film was so damn cool. Netflix it now. Well worth it.