Sunday, May 27, 2007

Recent New Findings...

In my eternal quest to further clutter up the Zensius' home, I have come across several items which may prove useful. They may also serve to accessorize and beauteafie our glorious roving apothecary and period camp.

These include the pictured cushions taken from some poor sod's couch he'd left curbside with a "free things" sign on it. Unfortunately, the removal of said cushions may require them to actually take the damn thing to the dump (it was a freakin sofabed! who the heck is gonna pick that up? Wait. Should I go back for the mattress?). There are two large (35" x 26", about 7" thick with good quality foam and some batting) and two small (17" square, pretty flat) cushions and the upholstery is suitably tacky and period, but quite worn out. I've also hauled in a swath of carpet (about 53" x 105"), perhaps for our camp, perhaps for the dump, perhaps to be left at the Zensius' and forgotten? Finally, I have a roll of batting (110" square, about 1/2" thick) we can use to make our seat cushions extra fantastic.

Oh. And I found a serviceable bicycle chain on the side of the road too.


Todd Berman said...

That's a fine haul.

So long as that carpet isn't spreading MOOP, that will be very good for camp.

Magpie said...

Be care AP you're showing signs of hoarding. Stealing pillows from a street couch? How low.